Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The New Book Update

Over the weekend I took all my sketch ideas for the new book and just dove into the actual production of it. With the assistance of my 5 year old son I have penciled 10 pages. And today, I have designed the logo for my paranormal investigation team:

A preview should be coming soon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"new book" UPDATE

Here are more sketches of characters from the new book. With this stack of sketches I actually came up with names, an outline of the story and the ambition to put it all together.

Look here soon for a "The Manleys Get Fit" update.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The beginning of the new book.

I have the first 10 pages of the "NEW BOOK" in my head. It's good stuff, very sad, very thrilling... Here is a first look at the characters that will make up the paranormal investigation team:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's been awhile...

So, It's been since end of May and no updates? I've been super busy (easy excuse) and I know this site will really get going the closer I get to finishing the books. "Books", you say. I've started an all ages book that involves ghosts and werewolves and maybe even prehensile hair... Still early in it's development, more later. So, The Manleys get fit is still going well, a couple pages a month and I should be done early 2012 (just in time for the end of the world).

Now for the pitch:

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